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CLI Event: Infrastructure Modernization Act

HOPE is honored to present Jose Ometeotl, Managing Director for Classic Lake Consulting. He will give an overview and answer your questions on the “Infrastructure Modernization Act” – created to support cities and counties in the repair, reconstruction and maintenance of roads, bridges, water and sewer infrastructure.

Attendees will learn more about the program, how to utilize use tax revenues, and the requirements and steps to qualify.

Watch the Recorded Session



José OmeteotlJosé Ometeotl

As the Managing Director for Classic Lake, José Ometeotl oversees a team of professionals focused on financial engineering, capital stack development and the management of all facets of real estate development. José develops capital stack strategies, structures investments and financial strategies for public and private clients throughout the country. He has participated in the closing of transactions with combined total project costs exceeding $3.0 billion.

Mr. Ometeotl has coordinated fiscal analyses for agency financings, tax increment audits, and fiscal consultant reports as well as planning services coordination.  Mr. Ometeotl has also provided coordination of real estate and redevelopment-consulting projects including redevelopment plan adoptions and amendments, bond financing consultant reports, multiple property acquisitions, analysis of large commercial and mixed-use residential projects, providing housing rehabilitation coordination, and the drafting of DDAs and OPAs.  Mr. Ometeotl has provided fiscal consultant services, research, document preparation, schedule monitoring, data analysis, redevelopment consulting, developer negotiation or deal structuring services for numerous clients.

José has over 20 years’ experience in finance, real estate and corporate transactions, including private equity, structured finance, tax credit syndication, and business formation.  José is a frequent speaker on tax credit financing, financial engineering and community impacts, with recent presentations at conferences hosted by Association of Pacific Ports, American Association of Port Authorities, International City Management Association, American Planning Association, State of Montana Economic Development Association, League of California Cities, and California State Municipal Finance Officers Association.

José possesses a Masters Degree in Planning & Economic Development from the University of Southern California (USC) and a Bachelor Degree from Cornell University in City & Regional Planning.  José is also the President of Sunset Partners, a 501c3 dedicated to the development of affordable housing.