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Healthcare Reimagined and Revived

February 22nd, 2024   

Quitman County Medical Center in Marks, Mississippi is vital for many residents. Facing financial constraints in a majority Black county that grapples with high poverty rates and outmigration, the hospital closed in the fall of 2016. Local leaders, however, saw an opportunity and organized around a strategy to reopen the hospital. Central to the approach included attaining the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) designation. The designation was a game-changer, guaranteeing Medicare and Medicaid payments at a rate of 101%, crucial for sustaining healthcare services in Quitman County. HOPE provided $2.4 million in financing to support the acquisition and renovation of the hospital. The hospital’s reopening restored essential healthcare services and provided employment opportunities. Beyond the renovation of the facility, the loan proceeds were used to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment, underscoring a commitment to delivering top-notch care to patients in Quitman County and the broader region.