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The Opportunity to Dream – Louisville, MS

May 16th, 2017   

When Corey and Paulina Long decided it was time for a new truck, they turned to Hope Credit Union.

“Our old bank made it feel like a chore when they had to help you,” Corey, a welder/fitter with Taylor Machine Works, says. “HOPE made us feel like family from the first time we walked in the door four years ago. They explain anything you need explained, and you feel like they’d do anything they could for you. They’re just beautiful people, inside and out, and they love what they’re doing. When we needed a loan, we didn’t even think about going anywhere else.”

The Longs’ new truck does more than just provide transportation for Corey and Paulina. It’s given them a place
to dream.

“Corey and I like to ride the back roads,” Paulina explains. “We like to look up at the sky on a clear night,” Corey says. “We find a good, dark spot way out with no lights, no town, where all you’ve got is the stars to look at. We lay in the back of the truck and just talk.” Corey and Paulina talk about their plans for the future, which include owning a home, and their goals for their five-year-old daughter, Alivia, who wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

“Opportunity means having dreams and goals,” Corey says. “If you don’t have goals, you don’t have dreams, and if you don’t have dreams, you’ll never go anywhere. Has HOPE helped us set our goals? Certainly. Definitely.”